
Redefining revision as continual practice

Identify learning priorities

Smart Revise has a wealth of reports that teachers and students can use to track progress and use for formative assessment.

Top 10 least well answered Quiz questions

The top 10 least understood questions (also available in Terms and Advance) show teachers where there are misconceptions and knowledge is weak.

This data is ideal for planning mini-plenaries to recap core knowledge. Using the report, teachers can hover over the coloured bars to see which students were giving which response for more targeted intervention.

Quiz top 10

Overview reports to identify students for intervention

In addition to a report that shows how much and how often students are engaging with Smart Revise, teachers can also see at a glance how well students are progressing with the questions.

The research

Checking understanding, obtaining a high success rate, weekly and monthly review are key Rosenshine principles.

Identifying the priorities for re-learning through regular, planned formative assessment is a key aspect of raising attainment.

As a part of data-driven instruction, progress tracking enables teachers to capture learning data and evaluate academic progress toward school goals for individuals, groups, and the entire class. Providing valuable insights into the efficacy of assignments, lesson plans, teaching methods, and even the curriculum as a whole.

Put simply, data-driven instruction is when educators collect and analse big data on student learning to drive classroom instruction. While the phrase “big data” might sound scary, all it really alludes to is the scale and scope of the data you collect. Whereas traditional student data tracked macro-scale progress through summative assessments and standardised testing, big data incorporates daily classroom and assessment information for a detailed view of student performance.

Data-driven instruction is a continuous process in which educators gather student information, perform data analysis to identify weak spots, and make the necessary adjustments

The International Academy of Education, 21(2010). Rosenshine, B. (2012) Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know. American Educator, 36(1), p12-39.


Detailed accuracy and mastery data for each student by topic to target intervention

See an overview of the whole course, or use the topic filtering to examine part of a course. Looking at the columns will identify which topics need more revision for the whole class. Looking at the rows will identify which individual students need more support.

Quiz matrix

Personalised revision report

An individual student revision report identifies strengths and weaknesses for each student, together with the top ten topics to study again with handy links to videos and textbook page numbers.

Revision report