
Redefining revision as continual practice

What's new in Smart Revise

Track the progress of features that you have asked for on our public feature request kanban.

2024 Release notes

  • 54 new model answer videos for Edexcel GCSE (1CP2) Computer Science.
  • More questions can now be marked by AI, including high mark questions requiring lines of reasoning.
  • The accuracy of AI marking has been improved.
  • The logo and buttons on the homepage have been centre aligned.
  • Estimated time to complete a Task is now based on an individual question "minutes" field instead of marks.
  • Edexcel GCSE (1CP2) Computer Science course has new content:
  • new topic: 6.1-6.6 Practical programming tasks.
  • 20 new paper 2 style Python questions that are also matched to levels in TIME 2 CODE.
  • new marking ranges for questions to include programming questions up to 15 marks.
  • new marking model include option buttons where 0, 1, 2, or 3 marks may be awarded for solution design, good programming practices and functionality.
  • OCR GCSE (J277) Computer Science course 8-mark questions now all use the "Discuss" command word with the presentation of the question accurately reflecting the style in past papers.
  • AQA GCSE (8525) Computer Science course questions about methods or functions are now always presented as pseudocode using the "Subject Specific Vocabulary" guidance. Additional explanations about the syntax of the command shown is given when it may be different from real high-level language code. This should reduce confusion between real code in Python, C# or VB.net that students are learning and how questions may be presented in the exam using pseudocode.
  • Bug fix: leader boards are sometimes showing too many decimal places in the score field.
  • Bug fix: offline only questions are now no longer available when creating Tasks.

2023 Release notes

  • Third option for topic filtering allowing students to filter topics within those selected by their teacher.
  • Option to pay by purchase order is more obvious when shopping for course vouchers.
  • Single sign-on for Google and Microsoft.
  • Customised leader boards.
  • Toggle command word help on/off for tasks.
  • The answer for Quiz questions can now be seen when choosing questions for a task.
  • Task shortcut link available for future tasks.
  • Matrix reports can be sorted by each column.
  • Analytics report colours now match the chosen colour scheme.
  • New colour schemes for Protanopia, Deuteranopia & Tritanopia.
  • Automatic 30% discount for orders of 200 or more vouchers.
  • Leitner system is now supported in Terms.
  • AI marking of questions in a task with written feedback for each question. Does not include questions with an image, calculation or level of response marking frameworks. These will come in a future release.
  • Task creation can cause what looks like duplicate Quiz questions to be chosen. They aren't actually the same question, but that's not obvious from the short question snippet shown.
  • Students can join a class with unverified accounts making it much easier for teachers to set up classes.
  • Shuffle button for terms.
  • Teachers can change a student's name.
  • Alert for tasks that have no students assigned.
  • Assign multiple students to a task after it has been set and not just when it is created.
  • Custom date range for usage reports.
  • Students can jump to a question from task feedback for a question.
  • Select all option for transferring vouchers to another teacher.
  • "1 days" is now shown as "yesterday".
  • When creating a task, replacing a question with another shows all available questions of the same type, not just those in the same topic. This increases the number of questions that can be used to swap.
  • Students can paste an answer into the answer box in Advance (for example to paste code from an IDE).
  • Update Filter button for topic filtering has moved to the panel header so it is always visible to reduce scrolling.
  • Teachers can access individual student revision reports in analytics.
  • Teachers can hide the number of days until the exam in the class configuration options.
  • More informative error message if a teacher tries to navigate to a task using a student link.
  • A user configurable Submit button that navigates to the next student or next question.
  • A more obvious indicator on the list of students when all the questions have been marked for a task.
  • M.A.R.C.K.S. feedback option for tasks.
  • Task marking UI has been redesigned to reduce scrolling,
  • Descriptive marking status statements for each student instead of codes.
  • Task setting UI changes to reduce the chance of a teacher navigating away before a task has been assigned to students.
  • The current mark for each student can be seen on the active tasks page.
  • Peer marking of tasks. Students can now mark each other's tasks.
  • More SQL questions for all Computer Science courses.
  • Cambridge IGCSE (0478/0984) course released.
  • AQA GCSE (8132) Business course released.
  • OCR GCSE (J204) Business course released.
  • OCR J277, H446 & AQA 8525 video references include a video number in the title for easier signposting for teachers.
  • OCR GCSE J277 Topic 1.2.3 Units - Quiz questions have been updated to use multiples of 1000 and not 1024 to better match the specification.
  • Edexcel 1CP2: all code questions are now written in Python syntax.
  • Edexcel 1BS0: new scenarios and questions.
  • Model answer videos for Pearson Edexcel 1CP2 GCSE Computer Science.
  • Model answer videos for OCR AS/A level Computer Science.
  • A new logo to make it clearer on different themes and at a smaller resolution.
  • Bug fix: AI markable icon does not update after a question is replaced when creating a task.
  • Bug fix: pressing [Enter] to submit a mark did not work as expected.
  • Bug fix: multiple choice questions in tasks containing code didn't render as expected.
  • Bug fix: when accessing a question from the task question matrix report, it loaded the answer to the first question in the task instead of the requested one.
  • Bug fix: building a deck in Terms when reflective/interactive modes are restricted by the teacher in class settings did not work as expected.
  • Bug fix: UTC was shown instead of BST on one screen in tasks.
  • Bug fix: copying a task now copies the MARCKS setting.
  • Bug fix: topic filtering did not work in some edge cases for sub-topics when others are locked in trial mode.
  • Bug fix: "Click to copy" not working for shareable link in task creation wizard.
  • Bug fix: Incorrect percentage values being calculated on leader boards (rankings were still correct though).
  • Bug fix: in some rare cases a task is not assigned to students even though it appears to have been assigned successfully.
  • Bug fix: discount codes are now applied correctly.

2022 Release notes

  • Students can mark their own tasks.
  • Track progress of individual students as they complete and mark a task.
  • Tasks requiring action by the teacher have a notification bell icon.
  • New active tasks panel for teachers displaying more data.
  • New active tasks panel for students displaying more data.
  • 70 model answer videos for Edexcel GCSE Computer Science 1CP2.
  • Join a shared class button is now also on the teacher dashboard. This reduces the number of steps for setting up shared classes.
  • Edexcel Business course launched.
  • Give control of vouchers to another teacher, enabling central purchasing and distribution of purchased vouchers.
  • Every AQA 8525 Advance question has a model answer video.
  • Every Advance question for OCR J277 now has a model answer video.
  • Full course access in student mode for teachers who have purchased vouchers.
  • Free trial includes a limited number of topics from real courses instead of a generic course.
  • Students do not lose progress from the trial when upgrading to full access.
  • A shopping basket experience for purchasing course vouchers.
  • Courses for the same subject are grouped together on the teacher dashboard.
  • Support for markup in questions.
  • Questions can have a case study.
  • Summary of the ticked mark scheme entries shown when deciding a mark for level of response questions.
  • Ticked mark scheme entries do not determine the mark with level of response questions.
  • Moved the task feedback input box to reduce scrolling.
  • Prevent follow on marks being applied if they are not applicable.
  • Navigating to the dashboard does not reset the teacher/student mode selection.
  • References are not shown for new courses that don't have any.
  • Protection against purchasing a course more than once by pressing the submit payment button again before the transaction is complete.
  • Hyperlink for a task to copy and paste into Google Classroom, OneNote, ClassCharts etc.
  • Update the task marking UI so that the total marks box and submit button is visible without having to scroll on short mark schemes.
  • Set the same task for multiple classes, including shared classes in the same year group.
  • Deadlines shown on active tasks screen.
  • Independent scrolling of a student answer and the mark scheme when marking a task.
  • Command words exactly match each examination board specification instead of using the JCQ list.
  • Deadline enforced tasks. Work is handed in at the deadline, even if it has not been submitted with this option.
  • Students can see references and model answer videos automatically in their task feedback.
  • OCR J277 1.1 Systems architecture Quiz questions have been updated.
  • Change a task deadline for an individual student.
  • Drag and drop questions into a different order when creating a task.
  • Indicate if a student has already purchased their own course voucher so they don't need to be allocated one.
  • Dark theme.
  • Analytics reports for tasks.
  • Sort students in the mark book.
  • Bug fix: some model answer videos linked to the wrong question.
  • Bug fix: task share links ignore the available from date.
  • Bug fix: the coloured bars in the top 10 questions analytics report could be displayed incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: debit/credit card orders made by teachers would sometimes fail unexpectedly.
  • Bug fix: in rare cases when questions for a task are changed, the total marks for a task displays as over 100% in the mark book.
  • Bug fix: display order of mark scheme entries for terms.

2021 Release notes

  • Questions containing code have better formatting.
  • 50 model answer videos for OCR J277.
  • Tag tasks for filtering in the mark book.
  • Replace a question manually from the automatic selection when creating a task.
  • View the complete question when creating a task.
  • Delete a task from the mark book.
  • Date filter on the mark book.
  • Show which topics questions were taken from in tasks in the mark book.
  • Download both percentages and raw marks from the mark book.
  • Better DDoS protection to protect up-time.
  • Questions can belong to a sub topic.
  • Return a task to a student before it has been marked to handle a student clicking submit too early.
  • Cream and lilac themes to help students with Dyslexia.
  • New Tasks feature allows teachers to set the same questions for all students in a class, mark the answers and keep track of outcomes in a mark book.
  • Bug fix: rendering issues with Quiz questions containing <> symbols.