
Redefining revision as continual practice

Save time

Smart Revise is made by teachers for teachers. We understand the pressures on a busy teacher’s time. At every step in creating the features for Smart Revise we have two main considerations:

  1. How does this raise attainment, what does the research say?
  2. How can this reduce teacher workload while still being effective?

Content written for you

Smart Revise does not contain crowd-sourced content. Each question has been hand-crafted by an experienced teacher or examiner of the specific course. Teachers don't create, upload and share their own content. This means not only can you save a lot of time preparing material, but you can also have confidence that the questions your students see are exactly what they need to properly prepare for examinations. Save time by not reviewing the quality of the questions - you don't need to!

More ways to save time

  • Start every lesson with an automatic, differentiated and personalised low-stakes retrieval quiz with no preparation required.
  • Eliminate the photocopying of past paper questions completely. because Smart Revise contains a full range of question types.
  • Create homework and end of topic tests using Tasks. It takes less than five minutes with automatic question selection.
  • Multiple choice questions are marked automatically, but you can also use AI marking for many longer answer questions too with written feedback from the language model.
  • Further reduce marking by using self and anonymous peer assessment. Research shows this also raises attainment.
  • Use the MARCKS comment bank to produce written feedback to students.
  • Use easy to read reports that do the data analysis for you, allowing teachers to quickly identify learning priorities.
  • Use the top ten least understood questions report as a plenary to recap knowledge and address misconceptions with no preparation.

The research

Tired teachers are not effective teachers. Too much emphasis is placed in schools on the activities surrounding teaching rather than planning and delivering the most effective lessons.

The concerns of senior leaders about reducing workload in schools is unfounded and using alternative, ‘workload light’ forms of marking and feedback may even be associated with improved student outcomes.

Using alternative strategies which reduce teacher workload result in a significant positive effect on student outcomes and also increase teacher wellbeing. This is particularly relevant when teachers switch to real-time marking and feedback strategies such as direct feedback, correction of misconceptions, and setting targets. It is suggested that this is because these strategies trigger and reinforce students’ metacognitive abilities, something which has already been linked to improved student outcomes.

R. Churches, E. Dommett and I. Devonshire, Neuroscience for Teachers: Applying Research Evidence from Brain Science, (Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing, 2017)

B. Davis and D. Woodley, (2020), ‘Reducing teacher workload may improve teacher wellbeing and has no negative effects on student progress’, Conference poster, Department for Education, Available at: www.gov.uk/government/publications/reducing-teacher-workload-education-development-trust-report