
Redefining revision as continual practice

Step 4

End of topic tests

Tasks mode allows the teacher to set the same questions for all students, unlike Quiz that automatically prioritises questions for each individual student. Tasks are great for whole class assessments, and you can share tests you set with other classes too.

same questions for all

MCQs & longer answer questions

whole topics or sub-topics

set in less than 3 minutes

AI marking

Same questions

for all

MCQs & longer answer questions

whole topics or sub-topics

set in less than

3 minutes

AI marking

Automatic question selection allows the teacher to create end of topic tests with almost no preparation.

Students sitting on a bench reading


1. Task

Once a topic has been taught, or once a month, set a task for the students in the class to complete in a lesson as an end of topic test, or end of month assessment.

2. Configure

Enter the basic details of the test. E.g. "1.1 End of topic test". Tagging a task will allow you to filter tasks by tags in the mark book later.

3. Topics

Choose any number of topics and sub-topics for the test. Only includes questions from the topics you want to assess. You can set tests that include questions from just one or any number of topics.

4. Experience

Choose the experience you want students to have. This is the number and style of questions in the test.

5. Questions

Questions are chosen automatically to save time. These can be dragged and dropped into any order. One question can be changed for another. The robot icon indicates a question can be marked automatically or by AI.

6. Marking

Choose who will mark the answers: teacher, AI, or self-assessment.

Peer assessment is an option too, but we suggest using that later in the journey.

7. Deadlines

Choose when the test will become available to students, and when it will be submitted.

8. Set

Choose which students and classes will sit the test. You may want to exclude absent students. They can be assigned the task later.

9. Resits

Tests can be returned to students for them to improve their answers, the task can be set again using the same questions, or a new test can be created with new questions.

10. Results

Every test has its own set of analytic reports allowing the teacher to see the outcome of the test and easily identify questions and students for intervention.

Students can review their marks, and any feedback. AI marked answers will justify each mark awarded in a few sentences.

Why use Smart Revise

Tests can include any number and mix of multiple choice, short and longer answer questions.

Smart Revise significantly reduces workload for teachers by automatically choosing the questions (although you can change them), submitting the test at the deadline and facilitating teacher, self, peer and AI marking options.

Clear, tick box mark schemes with the option for teachers to leave feedback comments.

Teachers can mark any questions they like, or act as a moderator instead switching between the different marking options in real time. Marking can be split between teachers in shared classes. For example, one teacher could mark all questions Q1-Q5 while the other teacher marks questions Q6-Q10. Alternatively, one teacher could mark the test for students S1-S5 while the other teacher marks S6-S10. Any combination is possible, even starting with teacher marking and then switching to self-assessment to finish the marking off.

Resits are possible and can include improving current answers, or having another go at the same questions, or use a different set of questions entirely.

Tasks that are committed to the mark book automatically update Quiz playlists and mastery, Terms confidence indicators and also count as questions answered for Advance mode too.

The research says that:

  • Assessing how much knowledge has been retained and understood, ensures that students are ready to move on and that any misunderstanding has been addressed first.
  • Monthly reviews have a positive effect on learning.

Rosenshine, B. (2012) Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know. American Educator, 36(1), p12-39.

Top tips

We recommend choosing one topic, ~20 minutes of questions with AI marking.

Some Quiz questions may look the same, but they will have different possible answers for diagnostic analysis.

Use teacher marking for formative and summative assessment or AI marking to reduce workload.

Not all questions can be marked by AI, but a teacher can finish the marking for the small number of remaining questions.

Remember to commit the task to the mark book once the marking is completed so that students can also see their marks. This allows the teacher to release all the marks for all the students at the same time.