
Redefining revision as continual practice

Step 9

Give students an examiner's eye

Smart Revise supports anonymous peer marking by allocating the marking of a task to another student in the class. Analysing an answer a student has not written themselves can have significant benefits to improving their own approach to answering questions in the future.

peer marking engine

anonymous to students

full control for teachers

M.A.R.C.K.S. feedback

no marking for the teacher




to students

full control

for teachers



no marking

for the teacher

Smart Revise provides an anonymous peer marking engine with simple mark schemes and tick-box feedback for students.



1. Task

Set a task that includes just a few higher-tariff questions for students to complete in class.

2. Peer marking

During the task creation process, at stage 5, set the marking to be "peer assessment".

3. Assign

When the task has been submitted for marking by the students, manage the peer marking process by selecting auto-assign, or manually assign specific students to mark each other's work.

4. Assess

Students will see marking assigned to them on their task list on their dashboard.

With M.A.R.C.K.S. feedback students can select from a comment bank to leave feedback.

5. Review

With all marking options: self, peer and AI, the teacher always has the option to moderate and amend marks if they want to.

Talk through the mark scheme with the class as they evaluate each other’s answers.

Why use Smart Revise

The only product offering anonymous peer marking where the teacher can allocate who marks whom, or random allocation, with the teacher contributing as a marker, or moderating.

There is no administration for the teacher. No photocopying questions, no collecting work in, no handing back out, no entering results into a mark book. The entire process is fully automated.

The popular M.A.R.C.K.S. feedback system is built in. Students cannot leave text feedback to each other to prevent inappropriate comments, but they can indicate from a tick-box of six reasons why the answer was not awarded full marks.

Computer Science questions also have model answer videos.

The research says that:

  • Peer assessment has a +0.54 effect size.

Hattie, J. (2023). Visible learning: The sequel. Routledge.

Topping KJ (2017) Peer assessment: Learning by judging and discussing the work of other learners. Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology 1(7): 1–17.

Topping KJ (2018) Learning by Peer Assessment: Appraising, Reflecting, Discussing. New York and London: Routledge.

Berg EC (1999) The effects of trained peer response on ESL students’ revision types and writing quality. Journal of Second Language Writing 8(3): 215–241.

Black P (2007) Full marks for feedback. Make the Grade (Journal of the Institute of Educational Assessors) 2: 18–21.

Kollar I and Fischer F (2010) Peer assessment as collaborative learning: A cognitive perspective. Learning and Instruction 20(4): 344–348.

Top tips

We recommend choosing several topics, ~30-40 minutes of short and longer answer questions, with peer marking.

Spend one lesson with students answering the questions and another lesson peer marking. Don't rush it in one lesson.

AI marking and self-assessment are great, but don't use them as a substitute for peer marking.

Work can be allocated for marking to peers as it is submitted. You don't need to wait until the whole class is finished.

M.A.R.C.K.S. allows students to leave useful feedback to their peer without entering written comments.

Don't forget to commit the task to the mark book once it is complete so that students can see their own results.