
Redefining revision as continual practice

Model answers

Model answer videos are available for every Advance question for GCSE Computer Science with many more being added each month. Model answers are visible to both students and teachers during and after an Advance question has been marked.

These short videos are ideal for students to reflect on questions they are struggling with to show how they could have written and structured their answer.

Walking-talking questions

Model answers can also be used in "walking-talking revision" where the teacher sets a question and then models the answer for the student to follow.

Video content

Each video contains:

  • Command words in the question highlighted in yellow.
  • The meaning of command words explained and exemplified in the audio commentary.
  • Key words to consider when answering the quesion highlighted in green.
  • A typical answer worth full marks.
  • Aspects of the answer gaining credit highlighted in blue.
  • Short, easy to follow audio supports students with literacy.
  • Exam technique and helpful additional information about answering the question.

The research

Providing models is one of the ten Rosenshine principles. Students need cognitive support to help them learn how to answer examination questions.

Modelling, worked examples and teacher thinking out loud help clarify the steps involved to creating answers that are structured correctly.

Rosenshine, B. (2012) Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know. American Educator, 36(1), p12-39

Note model answers are hosted on YouTube.