- Questions containing code have better formatting.
- 50 model answer videos for OCR J277.
- Tag tasks for filtering in the mark book.
- Replace a question manually from the automatic selection when creating a task.
- View the complete question when creating a task.
- Delete a task from the mark book.
- Date filter on the mark book.
- Show which topics questions were taken from in tasks in the mark book.
- Download both percentages and raw marks from the mark book.
- Better DDoS protection to protect up-time.
- Questions can belong to a sub topic.
- Return a task to a student before it has been marked to handle a student clicking submit too early.
- Cream and lilac themes to help students with Dyslexia.
- New Tasks feature allows teachers to set the same questions for all students in a class, mark the answers and keep track of outcomes in a mark book.
- Bug fix: rendering issues with Quiz questions containing <> symbols.