
Redefining revision as continual practice

Ace your exams

By changing the way you revise

Smart Revise was built by teachers to help students be more confident in class and better prepared for exams.

Students revising

Redefining revision

There is lots of research that confirms what effective revision should look like, and it's not reading notes, knowledge organisers or using highlighters. Smart Revise is based on the "Revision Revolution" which is a growing consensus in education that effective revision should be continually recalling what you have learned throughout the course and not just at the end, regularly practicing exam-style questions.

Getting the most out of Smart Revise

Step 1

Use Quiz every day

Step 2

Use flashcards with Terms Leitner

Step 3

Practice exam technique with Advance

Step 4

See how you are getting on


Smart Revise is the best revision tool for Computer Science and Business. It's great, but imagine having to use the same tool in every subject, every day. That would be very boring! Mix it up by using different tools for different subjects.

Where's the app?

Smart Revise was built to work on any browser on any device, so it's not an installable app, it's a website. Bookmark smartrevise.online

Student holding a mobile phone